Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Exams and QI

Well its immuno exam tomorrow, so I thought i'd write a wee blog as this poor lil web page hasn't really seen much action. I think I might redo it again, cos i'm getting a bit bored of the stethoscope, its just that it involves a lot of effort and brain usage which I don't posess at this moment in time. Ive started moving all the stuff outta my room, and I am shocked (:O) to see that I have so much more stuff than I started with. I think its mainly to do with the various road signs I have "aquired". There is no way it would all fit into one car like it did on the way down here.

Im off to hoover the place tomorrow, cos I hate grubbyness (the bathroom has already been sanitised with a few gallons of bleach). Then the next stage is internet, with the help of the mother.

Off to see the legend that is QI on Friday....a welcome break for sitting with my nose in a book for days. I aim to possible kidnapp Alan Davies and definately kidnapp Stevie Fry!

Oh and also I have the cake for the house warming shin dig (which has yet to be arranged) and the cake is bed-wettingly brilliant.

Erm thats quite gross actually.

Ok remeber ...the answer is always Cytokines!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

"IT" is finaly written!

OK after acting similar to a hermit I have finished my dissertation writing, and behold its loveliness.

May I draw your attention to the A4 ness of this object and the fact that it has graphs and photos and tables.....also not shown is writing! :P

Notice the sheek black embossing on the spine, and notice the thickness....It is called Harry Potter and the cellular composition of the Human Subventricular Zone. Which I think we can all agree is going to far out sell the amateur deathly hallow one any day!. Umm yeah OK so exams now. Life is generally plop at the mo but once exams are over I can.....go back to Great Ormond street to do more of the same work (unpaid), so then I'm gonna be poor and stressed. Yippee!

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