Sunday, November 27, 2005

Brrrr its right nippy.

Well this is the first frost in London which actually was on Friday, compared to Chapel its nothing special BUT in London its something worth pointing out! Global warming is lulling us into a false sense of security, but I predict that next winter it will be 139 degrees Celsius! So we will actually all turn into raisins as our body water will evaporate into vapor. I also added the BT tower as my phone is too crappy to show it, (but that is the approximate location of it) its a very good likeness don't you think?

P.s. tune in on Thursday for exciting story (I hope) about how I will attempt to suck-up to the Queen Mary University woman, cos I want to do my intercalated degree next year there! Sooo after 6 years I will be: Dr West MB BS BSc (i) LRPS. Hehehe sounds well funny but the BSci bit will hopefully be in Pathology (like in CSI or silent witness) at QMU. See you then.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Woo Left handedness

It has to be done at some point...we are special, but sadly I found some SHOCKING facts:

+Left-handers adjust more readily to seeing underwater

+ Lefthanders usually draw profiles
facing to the right. *COOL*

+ Lefthanders seem to be more
susceptible to the effects of drugs and alcohol, and 3 times more susceptible than righhanders to become alcoholics.

+ Right-handers tend to live about 9 years longer than left-handers *NOOOO*

+ Only about 4% of the population are women who are left-handed *IM SPECIAL HEHEHE*

+ "The Incas thought left-handedness was lucky. One of their great chiefs was Lloque Yupanqui, which means left-handed." *I LIKE THE INCAS*

+ 4 of the 5 original designers of the Macintosh computer were left-handed *ERM OK*

+Polar bears are left-handed *HUH?*

+Lefties see the forest rather than the trees. Their right brain orientation means they tend to see the whole picture rather than one piece at a time." *THATS GOOD...I THINK!?*

I just also had to put this in:

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What shall I talk about?

OK, well the title pretty much says it all! Its been a rubbish week, mainly because we are only doing anatomy so its all 'ligamuntum spirusosum articulates with the posterior aspect of the medial epicondyle' and the end result is that you feel like sitting on the floor in the DR and crying. On the plus side, we (farha and I) were taught how to flip cadavers (a very important life skill). Our cadaver was 81 and had prostate cancer, the really sad thing is that he passed away when I was off on holiday in Germany and I was celebrating passing exams and escaping intact from London. ahhh well!

On a happier note, I have been swimming like 3 times in the past 8 days, I swim at the oasis centre and I think I shall stick a picture

Its a bit of a stupid picture though! I think they just thought 'hmm fish-eye lens=arty photographs then went a bit crazy, and considering it is supposed to be a picture of the pool, it shows supprisingly litte of it!
see you when I actually have something interesting and worthwhile to say.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Completely pointless....but necessary

Your Birthdate: January 6

You tend to be a the rock in relationships - people depend on you.
Thoughtful and caring, you often put others needs first.
You aren't content to help those you know... you want to give to the world.
An idealist, you strive for positive change and dream about how much better things could be.

Your strength: Your intuition

Your weakness: You put yourself last

Your power color: Rose

Your power symbol: Cloud

Your power month: June
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Sunday, November 13, 2005

They shall not grow old

Today I went to the Remembrance Sunday service at the cenotaph, It is an amazing service to go to, you have to turn up at least 1 hour before it starts (that means leaving the house at 8:30), you end up squashed next to some really nice people (like the little old lady who let me see) and some proper wankers (like the posh men behind who didnt see why people from other countries should take part). OK so you are now squashed in place, hopefully you can just about see the road, but then half the army (I got the ones on horses with the metal helmets!) stand infront of you! I mean staring at 40 soldiers backsides may be fun for the first 1/2 and hour but after that it just gets annoying. As there are so many people, be resigned to the fact that you will not be able to leave until at least 12:30, thats 3 hours stood still (kinda like an outside KCC concert). Well the service is excellent, it starts with some cannons going off in time with Big Ben, then we have 2 minutes silence (I was watching the veterans and it is just so moving watching them attempting to hold back tears, I can't even imagine what they are thinking) then we do some hyms and prayers and stuff, and then it comes to the main bit, the Queen and Co all lay their wreaths (the Queen has a HUGE one kinda like "don't mess with me") then everyone else does one (Tony and other politicians, then important people, then army people). then comes the march. Thats my fave bit and its so interesting, people clap through the ENTIRE procession, I mean it goes on for like 25-30 minutes, my hands were red raw after, but they so deserve it. The dumbass people in the audience only clap for the ones everyone knows about (the guerkas, paratroopers, chelsea pensioners and the ones with pom-poms on their hats). I had to clap louder when St John came past (got to show appreciation). Whew thats the key place to slip out, which I managed to do. I then walked back home, via Trafalgar Square, and Sainsburys. I will then talk you through the photographs I managed to get from today.

This was the view I got (I know its just fab!)

Just as the cannon sounded to mark the start of the two minutes the sun came out and lit up the cenotaph, it was so pretty.

Lots of marching, feeling very patriotic now!

Loaads of Londons famous flying rats in Trafalgar Square, and below that, walking down the main road with the traffic lights still changing....very odd feeling.

Ok well the picture with the arrow on is very exciting, you will have to take my word for it, mainly because my camera is crap (I want my new phone dad!) but that person at the window IS Prince William and may I just say he looked very nice in his suit. He came out on the balcony but I missed it.
Very confusing building, named simply 'Canada', does not look country shaped and strangly has loads of flags on, none of which are canadian. One of Londons many mysteries.

Ahh Admiral Lord Nelson we salute you!

This is the amazing new memorial to the Women of World War II, the true invention of girl power?

Haha, I saw this poor guy on the way home, he was actually turning blue. I got him a coffee (arn't I nice), but I serioulsy doubt that he was 'lovin it'.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Stephen Hawking..

Well twice in one day, arn't I efficent? ok mabey not! Well went to see the Physics genius that is Prof. Stephen Hawking. It was so cool. He was talking about the origin of the Universe, but I kinda lost what he was on about when he introduced Feynman and his ummm infinate possibility equation or something allong those lines. But to be honest it really doesnt matter because I was there and it was so interesting.

I was late (as we were watching Lost again) so when I got there I kinda collided with him (yes the man himself) and his posse going into the lecture theatre, I was going to say hi (what else would you say to him?) but this nasty woman (with a HUGE rear!) was like "clear the way, move, we are doing a talk!" I mean the cheek of the woman. 'WE' I don't see her finding the origin of the Universe, and also I could have been like a physics genius (I know its unlikely but still!) come to tell the Prof. about my new and potentially earth shattering theory and now he will never know about it, thanks to HER!

Well thats about it I came home and watched some more lost and now I'm going to sleep. Oh piccy to show you, remeber I was in a dark lecture theatre so it isnt the best picture in the world.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Loadsa stuff!

Well its been a while, as a result I have TONS to write and as I only have 15 minutes this will involove SPEED TYPING! Anyway onto the interesting (I hope) stuff:
Last Thursday I met the Queen, as you do! She was opening the UCLH hopspital (aka spearmint towers) and we managed to blag our way in (with UCL ID's), it was waaaay more interesting than a CAL on epidemiology. so then we dashed our the front and managed to take a piccy of her walking (jus so you know I wasnt fibbing). The next thing was woooooo haloween, nothing to do in London except if your loaded so I did a pumpkin on friday, sadly he is no longer with us as he began growing an interesting spieces of organism inside his head...ah well. Yesterday twas also good, I got an ipod of ebay, its one of those mini ones and its pretty and it was £80 which I think is good value (I hope I havnt been diddled). I also can now get my new phone, but I cant decide which one V3 or should I wait for the wierd V6? Jas and I also watched Lost on his computer, twas V V scary, it didnt help watching it in the dark. ooo toaday i'm of to meet the legend that is Stephen Hawkings.....should be fun I can guarentee I wont know what the hell he is going on about. See you soon.