Stephen Hawking..
Well twice in one day, arn't I efficent? ok mabey not! Well went to see the Physics genius that is Prof. Stephen Hawking. It was so cool. He was talking about the origin of the Universe, but I kinda lost what he was on about when he introduced Feynman and his ummm infinate possibility equation or something allong those lines. But to be honest it really doesnt matter because I was there and it was so interesting.I was late (as we were watching Lost again) so when I got there I kinda collided with him (yes the man himself) and his posse going into the lecture theatre, I was going to say hi (what else would you say to him?) but this nasty woman (with a HUGE rear!) was like "clear the way, move, we are doing a talk!" I mean the cheek of the woman. 'WE' I don't see her finding the origin of the Universe, and also I could have been like a physics genius (I know its unlikely but still!) come to tell the Prof. about my new and potentially earth shattering theory and now he will never know about it, thanks to HER!
Well thats about it I came home and watched some more lost and now I'm going to sleep. Oh piccy to show you, remeber I was in a dark lecture theatre so it isnt the best picture in the world.