Friday, October 14, 2005

Flowers on Friday

Its official I now have a proper job, it's not the usual medical student job of medical-research-guinea-pig, its regular and it in a Flower Shop (should be interesting with the hayfever!).

I hate Fridays! OK so first its the early morning PDS lecture in the ARCHAEOLOGY lecture theatre! Honestly we are medical students we have our OWN fleet of lecture theatres why should we go and sit in some random one which is hard to find, smelly, and the microphone is crap! Then the day got worse............we had an awful talk about 'doctors who make mistakes' which was basically saying you all will end up killing people but the important thing is to inform the patient that that has happened! After hearing how doctors unintentionally murdered children, adults and the elderly, every one came to the conclusion that they didn't want to be doctors any more. That thought was swiftly eliminated with a large hot chocolate from Benjys.

Then we had tutor time, where I told a humerous (tehehe) story about my first patient and I found my next community placement is at the Bloody ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL, the place I have only just managed to escape from. ahh well never mind.

the curry man was there as usual so I helped myself to the free food, and this time I gave him my entire purse full of 1p and 2p (must have been about 30p).

Then we did a computer project about a subject we haven't even been allocated yet!

I have made soup.

That's my Friday.
