Back to London
Well i'm back in good ole London town, in my fab little house, it just gets better and rent is 90 quid a week which is good to start with in west central, BUT added to that I found out that everything and I mean EVERYTHING is included! broadband Sky TV, phone...and we have a washing machine and a bath! its lovely...may never leave it.On the medical side, we had disection yesterday, I'm in Y2 table 13 which sucks cos I'm not will all my 1st year disection buddies. I am with dabs and faha oh and sid and eshad so I spose it aint too bad. The first disection of the year was a bit of a joke really, we were given an hour to disect half o the back of the cadaver down to the underlying muscle with exciting names like Trapezius and Latissimus dorsi, well it couldnt be done and so we r seriously behind.
Disection makes me sad. Especially thinking that this time last year when we were starting disection this person was walking around like us....its just quite sad really.