Brrrr its right nippy.
Well this is the first frost in London which actually was on Friday, compared to Chapel its nothing special BUT in London its something worth pointing out! Global warming is lulling us into a false sense of security, but I predict that next winter it will be 139 degrees Celsius! So we will actually all turn into raisins as our body water will evaporate into vapor. I also added the BT tower as my phone is too crappy to show it, (but that is the approximate location of it) its a very good likeness don't you think?
P.s. tune in on Thursday for exciting story (I hope) about how I will attempt to suck-up to the Queen Mary University woman, cos I want to do my intercalated degree next year there! Sooo after 6 years I will be: Dr West MB BS BSc (i) LRPS. Hehehe sounds well funny but the BSci bit will hopefully be in Pathology (like in CSI or silent witness) at QMU. See you then.