Woo Left handedness
It has to be done at some point...we are special, but sadly I found some SHOCKING facts:+Left-handers adjust more readily to seeing underwater
+ Lefthanders usually draw profiles
facing to the right. *COOL*
+ Lefthanders seem to be more
susceptible to the effects of drugs and alcohol, and 3 times more susceptible than righhanders to become alcoholics.
+ Right-handers tend to live about 9 years longer than left-handers *NOOOO*
+ Only about 4% of the population are women who are left-handed *IM SPECIAL HEHEHE*
+ "The Incas thought left-handedness was lucky. One of their great chiefs was Lloque Yupanqui, which means left-handed." *I LIKE THE INCAS*
+ 4 of the 5 original designers of the Macintosh computer were left-handed *ERM OK*
+Polar bears are left-handed *HUH?*
+Lefties see the forest rather than the trees. Their right brain orientation means they tend to see the whole picture rather than one piece at a time." *THATS GOOD...I THINK!?*
I just also had to put this in: