Firstly I have got my degree in Experimental Pathology so now this website name is fully justified. Also I have moved out of halls and now residing in the vv posh land of Fitzrovia (possibly located near Hogwarts....actually located near UCL). But the most MOST important thing is that I have returned from a fab trip to Berlin. Ok the week went as follows:Day 1:
Arrived stanstead vv early in the morning. Checked in and so forth and caught the airport train to get to the terminal. Arrived at the gate and panicked as we couldnt find any info as to where we were supposed to go!. Got on the plane and it was gorge, the seats were in pairs on one side of the isle and in 3 on the other. They were made of leather and it was all gorge and clean. We were seats 17e and f and so didnt have to dash for the plane like mum told me I would. We also got free food and drink on the way over which was yum and unexpected. Got to Tegel airpot and took a Taxi to our hotel which cost 17 euros...not to bad really. Twas shattered!

Day 2:
Shattered from travelling so didnt leave the hotel till 11 am. Went to the U-bahn(Heidelbergerplatz) and got a week travel card which cost €25,40. Then went to Potsdamer Platz to look at the Sony Centre. We saw the remnants of the wall, then like mature adults we went to Lego land!! It was good fun we built a house, went on a scary dragon ride and saw lots of cool models like Hogwarts and Berlin made from lego! Then we went to the shop and I got a Cat-Woman-Lego-Person-Keyrin. Then we walked tons more and found a good lil supermarket near the hotel and stocked up for tea.

Day 3:
We went to Alexanderplatz which is like Kings Cross or Liverpool Street as all U and S bahn lines seem to go through it. Then walked past the big ball on a pole (It has a name but I can't be bothered to find it at the moment) which is like the BT tower. Wallked down Karl-Liebernechts Strasse and looked at the Museums and pretty buildings there....we wanted to go and look IN them but they seemed to all charge which is most unfair, we don't have to pay for the British museum (hrump-kathy was annoyed). Then we wandered a bit more, by now we were Unter dem Linden. We found ourselves in an old fogey market, but then I saw a dude selling Cyanotypes on raggy bits of cloth, not even bothering to frame it for like €50 a pop! I am so gonna start them up again. We then walked to the end of Unter dem Linden and after seeing some drag queens posing for a photocall we decided to look for an U! We went to Stadmitte and then took U7 one stop then changed onto U2 and went to Zoologische Gartens. There we found shops!!! Also a diddle may MAY have taken me hostage, forced me to buy it and then come home with me! But its gorgeous I think you'll agree if you see it that is.

Day 4:
Was absolutely scolding hot. Again we went to Alexanderplatz and had a Bretzel and a strange but yum german pastry thing. We went to German sea life centre and it was sooo cool. There was a thing called and Aqua Dom which was a life which was surrounded by a huge tank of fish, so we got into the lift and went up through the shoals of was excellent. Then we walked 3km to the Brandenburg Gate and wandered by accident into the room of silence. There was a towel thing on the wall and we were sat waiting for something to pop out from behind it, but nope it was just a room to sit in. Went to Reichstag and sat on the lawn infront of it, man that was a hot day, I drunk so much german water.

Day 5:
We had a look round Wittenbergplatze, I would show you gorgeous pics of the cathedral but thsi stupid bloody blog cant handle it. Stupid any hooo im gonna post this before it deletes any more.
Day 6:
Yay it was Zoo time! The pictures really show how fab it was, they had Pandas and tigers and best of all we got to see Knut the EisBaar! He's soooo adorable. I now have my very own (didy) Steiff Knut! This was the most fun day, we got to see the seals being fed and they could do handstands and flips and the guy feeing them got right under the water with them....cold fishy water (yuk).

Day 7:
Had a mega day of shopping then flew home the next day, on the way home I was next to the most annoying drama queen of a German, man if that had been a long flight I would have yelled at her. But thats all for now folks tara!