Saturday, May 27, 2006

Its Grandad!

Wooo, not wishing to divulge my entire life on this thing I think you should all see..

My grandad got some certificates!

Now he is a bit of a pro though...he got OBE or MBE, for being Coxwain of his BIIIG lifeboat and saving people. He is in the top picture. I have found Haribo...mmm

Bodies and Kumars

Part 1
Well you guys SO have to watch the Kumars (at number 42) WEE WERE ON THE STUDIO FLOOR!!!! we were within groping distance of the people and we got picked on and had to answer quetions and stuff it was brill.....and we are definately on TV cos they made us make sure no crap was on our chairs when the camera was on us. So we saw the whole family AND richard wilson (I dont believe it!!!) and Max Beasley (soo very cute).

Part2 (which happened before part 1)
The bodies exhibiton. Well 2 years of Medical education has severely taken it toll. I am completely de-sensitised to cadavers. To be honest I hate it! should anyone ever get used to seeing a dead person? But there we were walking round looking at bodies pretending to run, throwing darts, being sliced into see thru bits. All we ended up discussing was which body part would look best in the middle of the dining room table. I initally chose a bit of Jejunum, but was severly told off that, despite it looking fairly pretty I would be a gross conversation point (actually deb's said 'yep a bit of intestine-shit came out of that once'). So I switched to a the bronchioloes instead. Then right at the end dhim found a person sliced horizontaly into many pieces and he decide that it would make great coasters and dinner mats to put plates on. So in all, people it costs £17.50 (we went for free) so unless you have a hankering for some slightly twisted use of the deceased I would bother. Although I had a wee squidge of bits of them and they are kinda interestin, in the DR ours are preserved but feel cold and firm yet squishy. These were much warmer and more rigid. Usefull info people.

Ok Poland monday must go pack and parents have just emailed me hmmm I think I am in trouble never mind. OOO and med gases when I return. Byeeeee

Edited...melissa here is your jejunum:

Now I know its bloody fab and if anyone requires any more "Kathy Art" just let me know.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Looking forward

Ok ignoring the frightful week I have just endured I am looking towards the future. I am off to Poland soon, I have my zloties (540 of them). Errrm and yep shopping off down Oxford Street tomorrow. OOO been watching tons of tv-mostly comedies like the Brittas Empire and Blackadder. Now seriousness......I have had some smirnoff at Debs house and we went to Sainsburys and bought pretzels and twiglets and stuff. Then we watched Eurovision where the good ones (german cowboys and the 'we are winners of eurovision' people) didnt win.

Friday, May 19, 2006



Ok they went rubbish (grammatically incorrect I know) but they r over

I'm off to see the Khumars (at number 42)
I am also off to see this FOR FREE!
I am off to purccchaaase alcohol
I have scary St John Comittee meeting where I think I may have to give some sort of speech about freshers fair!!
I am getting an Ear Piece
I have Keratoconus which I didnt realise

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Help wonderful people!

OK i'm not blogging....well alright I am.

I am having a slight crisis, I am ~ half way thru medical exams and I am franically revising for tommorw....which will be pretty close to hell (I imagine). It is the OSPE (practical exam) and Spotter (erm spotting exam-cadaver spotting that is!). I am sat staring at high powered LS section of a feline ovary and feeling seriously bogged down (not in the feline ovary!). You see the list of stuff I have to do tonight is a bit terryfying:
  • Embryology-essential
  • Histology-feline ovary and lovely firm prostates (among other things!)
  • Genetics-but I cant find the you know?
  • OSPE Q'S-hmmm kinda useful
  • Patient practice-Sphigmomanometer and peak flow
  • Pharmacology
  • ANATOMY-----aaaargh I havn't even read dean and pegginton yet!

So you can see I am gonna be pooped at the end of all this, and this list is just the stuff I HAVE to do, there is more if I want a half decent mark!

Inspire me....even if u think its too late, I still have exams for ages yet.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Wooo FAW qulafied too! FREE PARACETAMOL FOR ALL!!! also it means I can now go to Buckingham Palace Garden Parties.....I'm gonna meet the queen, (and stick her legs up in the air if she faints or is in shock...hey it could happen). Next i'm gonna be let loose on Defibrilators...then Ambulance Level 1 !!!!!!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Patricia Hewitt stays at health

Why oh why?...he's moved everyone else around, why not give someone else (a mentally deficent slug perhaps?) a chance? I'm sure they wont balls it up as much. But NO mus not get political. Exams now not.......see you on the other side.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I am Radio 1 qualified

As part of this highly technical qualification we had to learn the NATO phonetic alphabet...Alpha Bravo Charlie etc... Pete offers this contribution:

"While working as a television news cameraman, I arrived at an accident scene, and a cameraman from another station pulled up behind me. As I parked the news cruiser, I heard a policeman on the scanner using the radio phonetic alphabet to alert other officers. "Be aware that the Mike Echo Delta India Alpha has arrived," he said. I approached the officer, looked him in the eye and said, "You might be surprised to know that some of us in the Mike Echo Delta India Alpha can Sierra Papa Echo Lima Lima." "

Not sure where it came from... so cant link it but vvv good!

Toodle pips I'm off to Pigeon Street (or Hattie Town).