Help wonderful people!
OK i'm not blogging....well alright I am.I am having a slight crisis, I am ~ half way thru medical exams and I am franically revising for tommorw....which will be pretty close to hell (I imagine). It is the OSPE (practical exam) and Spotter (erm spotting exam-cadaver spotting that is!). I am sat staring at high powered LS section of a feline ovary and feeling seriously bogged down (not in the feline ovary!). You see the list of stuff I have to do tonight is a bit terryfying:
- Embryology-essential
- Histology-feline ovary and lovely firm prostates (among other things!)
- Genetics-but I cant find the you know?
- OSPE Q'S-hmmm kinda useful
- Patient practice-Sphigmomanometer and peak flow
- Pharmacology
- ANATOMY-----aaaargh I havn't even read dean and pegginton yet!
So you can see I am gonna be pooped at the end of all this, and this list is just the stuff I HAVE to do, there is more if I want a half decent mark!
Inspire me....even if u think its too late, I still have exams for ages yet.