I Love London
It was the best show yet. Now a short but highly interesting review of the evening; we arrived with 1.5 hours before the doors open and were in the first like 80 people there. If you phone ahead and say you are coming from afar you get to go right up to the front...so i'll be doing that next time.It was quite warm and we had chips to eat as we waited anyway so it was fine. The lady came and asked whether we had our tickets and we did. Then a security guy checked our bags. Then we meandered past lots of bronze hand prints which was interesting Davina mccall has big hands, ant and dec have girly hands.....I could continue (this is the kinda info everyone wants) but I wont!.
We got in there at 7:15 ish and at 7:30 it all began. Basically after the warm up the guys are just left to talk and make jokes. It was quite even but I would say Paul was funnier with his mad randomness. (He wins the game you know!) The presenter was the guy from 8 out of 10 cats so that was quite cool. It was mostle about the Labour government this week and obviously the can make sooo many jokes about all that. All in all it took 3 hours to film it!! but that was fine cos its like an institution and I had a really good view of them. Now pictures: 1.Hand prints 2.The empty studio 3. ok (1)=Ian Hislop (2)=that liberty woman (3)= the presenter (4)=Paul Merton, his guest was hiding behind him.
You all should come to some of these...i'm going to see QI, The Kumars, and Dead ringers. Should be fun!