Monday, June 12, 2006

I love St. John

I really do you know. Its wonderfully scary and exhillerating all at the same time. Only in St John could you be zooming down the cordened off bit of Horse Guards Parade one minute then walking next to the Queen's Husband avoiding being shot at by snipers the next minute!

Honestly every duty is a complete adventure. This particular one was the 62nd aniversary of the Normandy Landings, of which, thanks to choir I have a pretty good insight into. These veterans all 80+ stood in the 30+ degree heat for nearly 1 hour and although they were swaying all over the place like...erm something wobbly most of them hung on and didn't faint. I suppose they have been through worse than a bit of hot weather but still I was a wreck by the end and I was able to wear a short sleeved shirt (number 5 dress +hat). Then they all marched to a memorial and back again to the army place. The grenedier guards buzzby people) were playing and the sweat was litterally spraying off them...I could be a trumpet buzzyby woman (I recon). Oh I also walked beside the suprimo mucho guy who is apparently the "god" of the military...twas vvv tall with a big sword and seemed chatty and nice, but what do I know?

Next its "Beating the Retreat" yay I'll let you know what happens there.