OK in a previous post in Dec, I discussed my slight interest in all things diddl, now I thought I would show all you lovely people the tiny insignificant group of them I have got (most of them I was forcefully given....honest!!). well I know it seems as if there are quite a few but i'm not obsessed or anything. I have just been to Germany and Europe alot!
You have no idea how dull life is at the mo, tomorrow I am going to Mank to help translate Biological terms for my parents company............THATS HOW BORED I AM.But it's ok i'm off to Sheringham for a well earned break soon which will be nice, except I know that I will have to get prezzies for everyone, don't expect owt good though!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM for tomorow (and happy birthday to my egg at the bottom).
I mean (Not wanting to get political here but) what is going on with the bombing and the war's? Can't people just get allong?
Ok I think from that you can probably tell I'd be crap at negotiation but really, do you not think that some people just need to look at the bigger picture?!
Well to completely change the subject...Me and McPhil and McPhil's Sis went to Mancestaa today. We wathced Pirates of the Caribean (mmmm Johnny Depp-ness) and The Break Up (Which is all that bloody happens IN THE WHOLE FILM). Then we went to NANDOS (thats NANDOS phil!) and it was yummy.
OOOO off to London soon on a wirlwind trip, promises to be an excellent day.
Nighty woo!
P.s. good prog tomorrow on Progeria for those who are medically inclined!
I am pure and fab and don't fly away after large floods, I return with a branch. My dancing and music are also superior. Infact appart from a bigger set of feathers which the raven has, I am the best!!!
OK well I was a bit cross (wild underestimation) last week. You see I was reading my MENSA magazine when lo and behold this silly little man (i'm sure he's ok really) got Liecenship of the Royal Photographic society with some 'average' digital pictures.
Now I already have LRPS but that isnt the point. The fact that he got it for some shitty piccys completely pissed me off. So i'm now applying for Associate of the RPS. This meant going to Chatsworth yesterday in the blistering heat (I now have blisters) and doing some good 'ole B+W piccys.
I have developed 2 of the6 films and it looks promising. There is a picture of Chatsworth earlier and i'm doing the same process. The chemicals I mixed to make the pictures are illegal in Denmark cos they are so toxic and I stupidly managed to pour some into an open wound....it hurt...................alot!
The end result should be ~5 A3 sized Bromoils which has not really been done by too many people do to the trickey-ness of them.
I was actually thinking of developing my own process and having a shot at Fellow of the RPS, but I have an idea and a lab full of chemicals so maybe it isnt impossible. I'll let you know.