Sunday, October 16, 2005

I'm shattered

Well it wasn't shop work like I thought it was professional flower arranging for posh companies like The National Lottery and Eclypse! There were about 5 of us and it was good fun! The guys had a liking for pot and were (cosequetially) very laid back. We worked from 9 till 7 and made about 7 grands worth of vases. In the evening we had alcohol and so it was much easier tp please the boss, who by the end was like 'yeah thats great' even when alex had just made the shittist vase I had seen all day. Any way got back at 8:20, got changed then went out to Huntley Street to see some random peeps (and oliver).

Have to do anatomy...

Friday, October 14, 2005

Flowers on Friday

Its official I now have a proper job, it's not the usual medical student job of medical-research-guinea-pig, its regular and it in a Flower Shop (should be interesting with the hayfever!).

I hate Fridays! OK so first its the early morning PDS lecture in the ARCHAEOLOGY lecture theatre! Honestly we are medical students we have our OWN fleet of lecture theatres why should we go and sit in some random one which is hard to find, smelly, and the microphone is crap! Then the day got worse............we had an awful talk about 'doctors who make mistakes' which was basically saying you all will end up killing people but the important thing is to inform the patient that that has happened! After hearing how doctors unintentionally murdered children, adults and the elderly, every one came to the conclusion that they didn't want to be doctors any more. That thought was swiftly eliminated with a large hot chocolate from Benjys.

Then we had tutor time, where I told a humerous (tehehe) story about my first patient and I found my next community placement is at the Bloody ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL, the place I have only just managed to escape from. ahh well never mind.

the curry man was there as usual so I helped myself to the free food, and this time I gave him my entire purse full of 1p and 2p (must have been about 30p).

Then we did a computer project about a subject we haven't even been allocated yet!

I have made soup.

That's my Friday.


Sunday, October 09, 2005

Top Blog

This is a brilliant blog, its by an anonymous policeman and ist his account of what goes on in the police force.....its so witty and just really interesting...check it out!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

ULU and fresher fun

Well here's me all settled in to mi house, and as my meeting for Photosoc finished depressingly early I decided to update the page. Been on a mission this year, I only joined the clubs I wanted to (appart from the german society, Mrs Dubiac will be thrilled), I ran away from the army people who pinned me in a corner last time and resulted in me recieving crap and JOINING FORMS for the TA Medical! Went to Senate house to join the library for ULU, I have proudly joined ULU, UCL, Royal Free and Camden libarys (how swotty am I?), this is the idea of trying to tempt myself into doing work by getting thousands of books out....well 5 at the mo....and I have to return one! Its ULU freshers fair on Friday and I have to sign up for LINKS this year. For those not in the know this is the London devision of the St. John Ambulance and dutes include Arsenal, Chelsea (poo to both of them!), Wimbledon, and Cricket grounds, Theatres and Music Concerts! so pretty good for getting in free and apparently you can jus sit at the back and eat the mints from the First aid pack (brought for the diabetics) and very rarely does anything happen, but the best bit by far is the flurescent yellow jacket you get to wear saying 'PARAMEDIC' on it! Very exciting.

Well its Pharmacology tomorrow which may be quite interesting...or crap I hav'nt made my mind up yet (especially as its my first ever lecture on it tomorrow!). Just some final pictures of bits and bobs I downloaded off my phone: My kitchen with NEW marble surfaces, Our desert from "the last meal" with Phil, Rach and Melissa, my certificate showing I am now trained in Basic recusitation and First Aid....v proud.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Card and much rain

Well today has been BRILLIANT (sarrrcasm!) I went and got a Camden Leisure card (illegally as he didn't check where I lived). It was just a considerably cheaper option than joining ULU gym or Bloomsbury (like 250 quid a year compared to 5 for the card!). So I found that Camden is considerably closer than I thought it was, actually I live there which I hadn't realised before (I am clever really). It sounds odd but there are loads of houses in the way so I didn't see it.

Just to make this day extra special it then proceeded to piss down with rain and as it was scorching when I left the house I got completely soaked, despite this obsticle I managed to survive and get some washing powder and french toast....neccesities in the harsh evironment of London.