OK I have had to put up with the ridicule for months, I was convinced and still am that Prof. Snape is a lovely dude and completely misunderstood. People were like 'ooo he killed dumbledore' CEPT HE DIDNT!!!!!!! and THIS proves it (sorry if this is old news). In page 2 it categorically proves that snape was acually helping dumbledore and therefore is lovely and a good person. I will argue violently with those who dissagree. Ok im done now.
Wow! I just had the bestest most exhausting day EVER! Here is the synopsis:
I arrived at St Pauls Cathedral for the Queen's 80th Bday service at 10:00 giving me half an hour to get through security, get lost and generally find St John peeps. All of that done I get assigned to the AED team, meaning when someone colapses we leg it to them with the defib (charging at 360 CLEAR!!) So we wait and guess who comes over for a chat? Sir Cliff Richards!!!! He chats to us for a few mins then wanders off in his purple suit. Then the big procession happens right next to us! I saw the queen, philip, harry, william, charles, anne, the other random ones and daughter of fergie, the archbishop of canterbury (I wanted his big shiny gold hat). We settle down for the ceremony and it was lovely, not an ill person in sight. Oh appart from a rich snobby woman who decided to feel faint.
Then we popped outside and hopped into the Crusader (Ambulance) and wizzed to Mansion House. You know the tv chef prog : Great British Menu well that was what was being held at mansion house! There were just 2 of us and it was fab! Ok I spoke to Dame Vera Lyn, I met Shirley Bassey, Tony Blair, Cherie Blair, The queen an hubby (again), Sir Ian Blair, Jenny Bond, Meneze Campbel. OO and want to know who's completely lovely? George Alagiah. We were also looked after by the chief soldier and although it was naughty he gave us a glass of the same wine that the Queen was drinking (I think it cost a lot-it was lovely). We also chatted to the soldiers in charge of Ken livingston..... OOO THATS THE OTHER EXCITING THING....I peed in the loo just after Ken Linvingston. Now thats a good claim to fame!
I pinched the Menu it is soooo posh and has tassels and everything. I also got 2 different programs from St Pauls. All in all a fab day.
Prepare youself for the true secret of greatness...how I survived exam hell!
Ok in the year leading upto the final exams I had absorbed as much information as possible by among other things; reading the entire works of Tess Geritsen in lectures, completing 3out of 5 games on my mobile phone (both of the bunny rabbit ones) and learning about London's current affairs through the Metro and Evening Standard (lite). So come revision time some serious work was due. This caused the implimentation of project sponge.
Morning-get up at 6 or what ever time you body decides it wants to (usually 5:30 ish), have shower and check emails even though no one ever seems to email during the night. Take thought drugs: 1xcod liver oil tablet, 1xmultivitamin, 1x loratadine, stick some sodium cromoglycate in just for good measure! Leave the house at 8:11 and power walk to Bloomsbury just in time for the library opening at 8:30.
Incidentally the Science library is the one which opens earliest but can be hard to find a seat. I recoment the Anthropology section as it is small and hidden, near the loo's.
Now we stay in the library untill you get thrown out or you go blind with reading (which ever comes first) so leaving around 10pm. If you keep at it you can read a leaver arch folder in a day. I only went blind on 2 days after that my eyes seemed to be getting better....I think they were reluctant to work!
A bit hungry after all the reading the tea is either noodles, an orange and a rivita or tuna steak and ketchup. (altenate between them-i bought 8 tuna steaks: they do freeze quite well).
Go to bed after the meal at ~11:30-12 this allows a minimum of 6 hours sleep so functioning brain will be ready ish for the next day.
That my friends is how to pass medicine: I read 7 lever arch folders and did all the past papers (about 30 I think?) in 3 weeks! not bad eh.
I really do you know. Its wonderfully scary and exhillerating all at the same time. Only in St John could you be zooming down the cordened off bit of Horse Guards Parade one minute then walking next to the Queen's Husband avoiding being shot at by snipers the next minute!
Honestly every duty is a complete adventure. This particular one was the 62nd aniversary of the Normandy Landings, of which, thanks to choir I have a pretty good insight into. These veterans all 80+ stood in the 30+ degree heat for nearly 1 hour and although they were swaying all over the place like...erm something wobbly most of them hung on and didn't faint. I suppose they have been through worse than a bit of hot weather but still I was a wreck by the end and I was able to wear a short sleeved shirt (number 5 dress +hat). Then they all marched to a memorial and back again to the army place. The grenedier guards buzzby people) were playing and the sweat was litterally spraying off them...I could be a trumpet buzzyby woman (I recon). Oh I also walked beside the suprimo mucho guy who is apparently the "god" of the military...twas vvv tall with a big sword and seemed chatty and nice, but what do I know?
Next its "Beating the Retreat" yay I'll let you know what happens there.
Not wishing to gloat, oh well ok I am, but I think I have a right to!
"I am pleased to tell you that the exam board has recommended that you pass this summer's examinations .
This is subject to us receiving satisfactory marks for your SSM(s). We do not yet have all marks for SSMs; if there are any problems with your SSM marks, you will be contacted separately.
Congratulations, enjoy your summer vacation, and good luck with the next year of your studies."
From the legend that is Dr. Bender hehehe so I am now officially a Pathologist in training the name says it all! I never thought disease would get me so excited! I'm really looking forward to study oozing things and obviously do some HEMS spotting. OO and I got halls too.
Wow!! It was just totally fab, bear in mind we went for 5 days, flights hotel presents food etc all cost less than 130 quid!!! OK chronologically:
Day 1-Monday VVV early int morning I meet Debs in camden, we intend to take the 24 to Victoria then get on the Terravision bus to Stansted. But of course it went wrong...no bloody 24 turned up! Now i'm not sure you understand how rare this is. In London you never usually wait more than 3-5 minutes between 24's, so in a panic we decide to take the Northern Line to Euston then Vicoria to...well....Victoria. Ok so we are there with about 15 minutes till the bus goes and we wait and no bus turns up, the panic levels were rising so we phoned the bus company and found we were at the WRONG bus stop. So we ran to the right one and lo and behold the bus had gone! Now we were seriously het up by now, there was talk of cabbing it to the airport costing us thousands (an approximate) of pounds. Well after negotiations with 2 bus opperators and some serious acting...we are poor lost confused girl travelers...please help us. We got on a bus and arrived with 1.5 hours before departure. All the checking was good and we both had a wee in the airport loos. I bought some flip flops. Then we got on the plane and flew to Szczecin. As we were landing I was looking around for the town....no where to be seen. It turns out the airport called Geleou is like a million miles away from the city and is populated by the polish army. Got a bus from the airport to the centre of Szczecin for 10zt (about 2 quid) then got a public bus to our hotel that only cost us 40p for 20 mins traveling. Then we collapsed in our new houseee thing. We did have to share a double bed!! The guy's english wasn't great and apparently "twin" is the same a "double" AND debs stole the duvet EVERY NIGHT!
Day2-Tuesday Wow it was a bit of a mission but so much fun! we walked round szczecin and did tons of stuff. We went to get our bus tickets and it only cost 9 zt. While near the lake I got a hot dog.....but like no other! It had layer upon layer of salad and pickled things and strange sauces ontop so it was more of an interesting salad sandwich with a bit of sausage in. Yummy. We also saw the Da vinci code or the Kod Da Vinci, at the Galaxy centre which was great, did you know that 'steady' is uspookajac in polish. So I learnt stuff too!
Day3-Wednesday We posted post cards which up to recently STILL havn't arrived. We also went to the market where we bought some sweeties called 'Lobster tails' which despite the name were yummy and have no real connection to any form of crustacian! we also found an old man and took pictures of him, drunk coffee in a dingy place which looked suspiciously like a down market brothel. OO we also saw the oldest cinema in the world...supprisingly boring looking and on the way home found a huuuuuuge statue thing.
Day4-Thursday Now this was my fave day of all, Me Debs Kristopher and Gregor all went for a jolly across the border to Berlin, now world cup fever was gripping the country and we happened to drop in on some sort of celeb event, there were fat german referees, Angela Merkel, David Beckham, a big football with a slide!! everything you would want for an eventful day out. We saw the Reichstag and the Brandeburg Gate and I bought my 18th (tut tut) diddl-it was a world cup one so it doesnt really count!!!
Day5-Friday Ahh the day home, gregor and Kristopher decided to give us a lift to the bus except they forgot summat so one minute we were going into szczecin the next we were zooming back up the hill, I could see the panic level of debs rising it was sooo funny specially as she told me before of how she usually seems to plan out the worst possible sceniario...but we made it and everything twas fine.
Back home now, but I still have 200 zt so OH DEAR I will have to go back sometime! hehee. I'm learning polish gramar at the moment....all acusitive and locative and 'hail ceaser'!