K well I may have repetitve strain injury!
Well I was in a quite "get things done" kinda mood this morning, sooo I decided to set up pete's German Poetry while he was away at scout camp. Pete is a proper genius at the ole German and even more of a genius cos he gets on with Dubiac! So to further his brill language learning I got him magnetic poetry-in German. I set it all up but as its designed for big fridges there are THOUSANDS of words so it took me about 1/2 and hour to squeeze them onto his didy electric heater. This is the finished result:

As you can see I helpfully started the little guy off by putting such meaningful sentences as: Ja Das ist toll! and other slightly more suspect ones! Then I had to have a pasport stylee picture taken for some "NHS card thing" think its to tell people that I dont have any diseases when I go in hospitals to help people! So anyway I decide to take a picture of my man shorts which I was wearing as I have run out of clothes...they r mostly washed but still wet as we have no way of drying them,

I was so suprised as I last wore the man shorts in Year 10 when they were man trousers! They have dug cow poo out of the barn, they also have been to Alton towers...ahhh the stories they could tell. ummm ok I know my life is quite dull at the min but shut up, bet urs isnt that exciting either! Oh and look what Sausage caught:

isnt she clever.