Happy Bithday Peter ahhh I remeber when he was jus a well ickle person..who read dictionary's in his spare time. Now he's onto Hieroglyphics and my medical books! I will take a piccy of his HUGE chocolate cake when we have it (at tea time!)....ok here is the birthday boy:
Hi there....no one has Mc commented on my blog for AGGGGEEESSS. I have also just consumed a Beer/Ibuprofen mix so feeling slightly squiggly.....Please comment, I don't care if you are a hairy mongolian shoe hog or even just a regular sheep......oooo that reminds me I got 2 more diddls (I know I'm so sad but I feel all gigggly at the mo so I DON'T CARE). I am gonna take a picture of them then put it .....HERE: I have also succeded in another key area, thanks to a little beauty of a book I got as a crimbo prezzie (its like an Ipod book even I understand) I managed to upload most of mi albums onto my Ipod, Its still called "Conrans Ipod" which I have no idea how to change, but it has my pathetic 20 albums on it, (it has so much memory just putting 301 songs on it seems like an insult) I did the washing up...and cooking with it on, so erm yay!
I am also working my way through Predator by Patricia Cornwell (sooooooo gory its brilliant) upto now there have been 4 murders, 2 suicides (but they were just photos of past cases), one woman is tied up in a deserted house, and they have taught the students how to make cadavers out of Gelatin then shoot them, then look at the bits.....oooo and one case is all confusing cos the guy was shot once, but the radiologist says it was 3 foot away (i.e. murder) but the pathologist says it was point blank range (suicide)..............oooo its soooooo good. I can let you know what happens (but to be honest doo you really care?.....I mean no-one comments.........sob).
Mum and pete have gone 'daan saaaff' so I had a tea consisting of 6 mini sausage rolls (but as I don't like sausage at the mo it was actually 6 bits of pastry) I had dinner tho...beans on toast, so you don't need to worry.
Errrm may go and run around a bit untill the Ibuprofen wears off
Well now I have been studying my room during the past few days (too cold and snowy outside) and I came accross my venus fly trap. Now I expected it to just be a barren and desolate pot of soil (see increasing the dramatic tension), but lifting the plastic I see not only is the soil moist, but I have 2, yes 2 shoots growing. I think in that moment that I am some kind of herbivacious genius, I dash into pete's room and excitedly tell him that the plants survived for 3 months without any cultivation......pete then replies 'oh I water it when I feed the fish'.....I go off and mope....and chop some fire wood. Well thats the no so exciting story of my lil plant. The only thing left is to include a superb picture: oh number 1 shows the 2 shoots and number 2 is the arse end of the fish tank. Oh and I have decided to include a picture of the fish, He (we aint 100% on that) is 15 and we won him for a quid at Victorian Weekend in Glossop-way better than may queen, well dressing or oak apple festivals!
These are all piccys when we went to Norfolk. I'm sure I had a couple more but I dunno where they are. Anyway:1=The beach, 2= some fishing boats who's owners I know but I can't rember...ooo one is called Paul, 3=Peter trying to get soaked, 4=The prom, 5=A very arty shot of peter...I am good at photography, Its not just that I moved the camera....honestly!
Due much sustained pressure from my vast group of fans (well just one comment really) I am now posting.
I worked all Satuday with Farha (wooo) but mike was all ratty which was not so good, it didn't help that we were doing stupid pot plants which meant I got covered in mud as well as glitter! Not fun at all really. Then got back and had to do some frantic packing. Legged it down to Euston and got there with plenty of time (10 minutes) and as I arrived they called out the platform, so I follow the hippy/ mosher couple to board the train (tried to get in first class but they were checking the tickets...grrr). We all sit down, I feel very smug that I managed to manuvre a big rucksack, my laptop bag AND a suitcase all onto the train....THEN the manager comes on the intercom to tell us that the train is knackered so we all have to switch...cue much grumbling (me included). After other hold ups we end up in Mac 45 minutes late! (I wanted a refund but it had to be at least one hour late!) I sat with a vicar upto Birmingham and he clearly loved me, I can tell this cos as he was getting off he blessed me! What do you say in response to that? After 30 minutes at home I had to drive peter and myself to the choir concert in Buxton Ocatagon....saw Miss Ellis (enough said) did some face painting (including fit french guy....can't rember his name but he was pretty). Got home and went to sleep, as you do.
Then later we went to Norfolk I drove most of the was (very well in my opinion) saw everyone and I mean every relative possible in 3 days! Then came back and havenow just been to Buxton to get some last minute things (dad was complaining on the lack of cranberrys and chestnuts). Popped in to see Phil and Melissa (helloooo). Their kitties are HUGE now....and Edgar ran away from me (I think he had forgotten me ...sob). well now just fo the random pictures, I will try and do better, but it ain't snowed since I came back so I will have better ones when it does.
Ok random pictures not working at the moment....I will post em seperately in a wee bit.
Well I thought I'd combine the 3 st john-esq posts into one, so here goes: Last weekend I did the ECS course (the bog standard first aid course) and it was sooooo much fun, plus I got to miss work (yay). Then on Wednesday I had the exam, it was practical and very nerve-wracking, I had a "dead" Arsenal fan (the guy said I dont have to resucitate arsenal fans-hehe, it made doing CPR so much more relaxed). I did the whole DR-help-ABC, and then had to do a minute of CPR-completely shattering, and in London ambulances take 20 minutes to reach people so I ain't looking forward to doing that. Then I did recovery position-woho. Finally I had a pissed person who had cut his hand on a bottle, It was so hard to control him, THEN his pissed friend came along and started getting in the way..anyways you'll be pleased to hear (I hope) that I got 100% on the test so I am offically a St John person. Last night it was the LINKS social, I had one or two (cough cough) drinks and left at 2:00, but I had to get up at 6:30 for work, to my horror (well mild suprisement) I didn't have a hang over, mainly because I was still drunk (I fell out of bed). But waiting at the freezing cold Oxford Circus for the Bakerloo line train kinda sobres you up. Back from work, watched the wallace and gromit film on mi computer and now I'm going to sleep. Night
Well today I went to see the lady at Barts and the London (the one in Trauma/ The Golden Hour) hospital. Well the uni is in Whitechapel, which isn't the richest place in London, but its so cool, plus there is the fact that I will stand a better chance of getting a job there at the end (I want to go on the helicopter!). The course looks fab and all I have to do is swot up on the stuff for the interview. Yay i'm off to the East end 'o' Landan! ooo here is the cool building (its got pods and a nucleus!).