Green fingered genius (well kind of).
Well now I have been studying my room during the past few days (too cold and snowy outside) and I came accross my venus fly trap. Now I expected it to just be a barren and desolate pot of soil (see increasing the dramatic tension), but lifting the plastic I see not only is the soil moist, but I have 2, yes
2 shoots growing. I think in that moment that I am some kind of herbivacious genius, I dash into pete's room and excitedly tell him that the plants survived for 3 months without any cultivation......pete then replies 'oh I water it when I feed the fish'.....I go off and mope....and chop some fire wood. Well thats the no so exciting story of my lil plant. The only thing left is to include a superb picture: oh number 1 shows the 2 shoots and number 2 is the arse end of the fish tank.

Oh and I have decided to include a picture of the fish, He (we aint 100% on that) is 15 and we won him for a quid at Victorian Weekend in Glossop-way better than may queen, well dressing or oak apple festivals!