I am a St John-er
Well I thought I'd combine the 3 st john-esq posts into one, so here goes: Last weekend I did the ECS course (the bog standard first aid course) and it was sooooo much fun, plus I got to miss work (yay). Then on Wednesday I had the exam, it was practical and very nerve-wracking, I had a "dead" Arsenal fan (the guy said I dont have to resucitate arsenal fans-hehe, it made doing CPR so much more relaxed). I did the whole DR-help-ABC, and then had to do a minute of CPR-completely shattering, and in London ambulances take 20 minutes to reach people so I ain't looking forward to doing that. Then I did recovery position-woho. Finally I had a pissed person who had cut his hand on a bottle, It was so hard to control him, THEN his pissed friend came along and started getting in the way..anyways you'll be pleased to hear (I hope) that I got 100% on the test so I am offically a St John person.Last night it was the LINKS social, I had one or two (cough cough) drinks and left at 2:00, but I had to get up at 6:30 for work, to my horror (well mild suprisement) I didn't have a hang over, mainly because I was still drunk (I fell out of bed). But waiting at the freezing cold Oxford Circus for the Bakerloo line train kinda sobres you up. Back from work, watched the wallace and gromit film on mi computer and now I'm going to sleep. Night