Sunday, January 22, 2006

My Photography

Well heloo, as you know I am LRPS so I thought I'd provide a selection of my work (i.e the ones I miraculously found on a CD) now if anyone wants to buy one (many) I am poor and will happily flog the normal ones (if I can find the negs that is), I am also available for commisions (hehehe) any hoo. The first 3 are Bromoils, now these are fiendish. First you take a black and white picture, then over develop (slightly) and get a darkish print (on special paper). Then you bleach it to get rid of the picture (yeah sounds dumb I know), so you end up with a slimy piece of blank paper. Then you dry it with cotton wool, not dry, but not wet either. Then once it is at that point you put ink on with a roughish brush, then my techique is using a shaving brush and circular motion. You repeat and hopeully you end up with a picture, then you clean it up with water and voila. These are of chatsworth, and two of Tideswell church:
The next two are bloody hard to do as well. They are gum bichromate and cyanotype. The gumbichromate one you mix gum arabic, potassium dichromate and gouasche then paint it onto paper, then expose it, then develop either in water or water with a bit of citric acid (can't remember which). The Cyanotype was a bitof a cheat. I got it out of a bottle, then exposed and developed.
The final one is a pyramid made from sweets (now who wouldnt enjoy that?) I will try and find some of my other cool ones...coming soon architecture (including dare devil anecdote) , normandy, flowers (including infrared photography) and other random ones. byee