Bored at 'ome!
Well here is the piccy of Peters cake, unfortunately peter got to the cake before I did, the consequence is the giant slice out of the cake (peter says "dad stole some too so it wasn't just him"!).

Ooo and just cos its so pretty, here is another piccy, its of Manchester's answer to the millennium eye, it was from yesterday, and Phil (and Melissa) you will be receiving cake (and pride n prejudice) shortly.

I have a very mature cake in the shape of a clowns face....Its very cool. Ok must go and make tapioca as I am in charge of desert and it is a very stressful responsibility to have put upon me at this time, unfortunately I have no choice, as parents are doing some 'sciency thing' in the lab- its best to let them get on with inventing stuff I keep well out of it! toodle pips.