Well come on Wadda y'all think?
Come on peeps, I need feedback this has taken aaages cos im crap (tut tut) with HTML its 12:30AM thats the night time you know! And I have struggled with this for and hour and a half. I know it aint perfect my main problems I couldnt fix were:
- The leftness of it all (but as the world should be left-handed may be it aint so bad.
- The fact my witty quote is now unreadable
- The strange assortment of pink and darker pink which my links take on in apparent randomness
- My profile blurb is arraged strangely with "old" comically appearing under my picture!
- Finally-the template asked me to type a paragraph for the side bar which it then decides not to include...that took me 5 mins on its own, goodness knows where it is now!
But if you ignoor these as I have now been forced to do it is acutally quite a pretty thing dont you think?
well at least the blobby things have gone so phil can now manage to read all the words...its sad when the eyesight starts to go in old age eh!!
All coments and help on the above point greatfully appreciated!