Well I survived
Oh my days! It was mind numbingly cold yesterday, I mean its usually a bit nippy working outside with cold water, but yesterday was just rediculous. I cut my hand several times and it was so cold I didn't realise I had done it. It didn't help that I was working in a tshirt and thin zippy-up-thing which I had gotten drenched during the first vase of the day! Also to add to the problem there were only 5 of us to do approx 200 vases, as everyone else was ill or something. It mean that we didn't finish until 8pm so it was 11 hours of freezing-ness. The plus side was that I did so many 30 pound ones and above. I should explain that 30+ ones are the ones where you can be really creative and put all kinds of flowers in, but they are also quite arsey, as they take ages and thevases are 1m tall so you have to stick your arm in and it is so cold that your arm pratically drops. Well thats my whine over with (what other reason is there for a blog?).On to the pictures:

The next batch are all from my 'Abstract architecture' project, they are all in Manchester, enjoy:

The final one below is the one where my mother and I nearly got arrested! Sounds very dramatic, but isn't really. This was in the Arndale and is the reflection of the Gadget Shop (now no longer there..or anywhere really) in the metal panneling of an esclator (also not there). Now you may not be aware (we wer'nt) but the Arndale is actually private property, so me and my mother were taking pictures rather conspicuously there was a rather a large security guard heading towards us, to confisicate the film! fortuantely we saw him a way off and legged it .....but this picture was nearly destroyed SO APPRECIATE IT!

Its my favourite I think...oh I don't know. See you soon (p.s. I am growing a forest of 5 trees in my room).