I was sittting in the Histopath office doing the most dull (yet vital job) I had to fill out sheets for the childrens organs we have retained but not yet got consent for. Filling the forms out for each kid was supprisingly sad. There were odd patients who were born on the same day as someone I knew or had the same surname as friends. The worst are the ones with NAI written on.....means they got hurt on purpose.
But anyways I was filling these forms in when a surgeon popped in to look at some Liver biopsys from an eleven year old. They wernt deep enough but the sections didnt show malignancy. The surgeon looked like he was the one waiting for the result, he visibly relaxed when he heard the news. Then as he was leaving he said.....I'm so glad I was really worried about that guy, I can have a good weekend now!
Its great to know that not all surgeons are arses! They get the "arrogant steriotype" and its near impossible to shake but if they are like that guy then there is hope!
I will have piccys of the lovely Hugh Jackman (who I met!) the Xfactor people (yawn) me getting hugged by some beer and some giant mice! Ahhh that was a great evening!
OOOO and I found me dream xmas present! No actually me and Naomi were gonna have a fight over it (I would have won) but then we saw 2 of them! But no one is gonna get it me (sob) so I will just have to resign myself to living without him in my life. Him is a didddy little reindeer! So bloody cute. Ahhh!
I found my wrist hair, he's called Ernie! He's special because he is really dark, I think the Ernie follicle got lost during development because he really looks like an eyebrow hair. Still that got me thinking and I rembered Mr ("pervy Dave") Alsopp with his ape arms. Mine are not that bad! I'd put a piccy up but I cant be bothered. Im off to the Flushed Away premier tomorrow, I am aiming for Ian Mckellen and Nick Park autographs.
Today whats been a happening, well: I found the data sheets for the 7 cell markers I am going to be studying, they are:
Sox 2- Bad ass reputation
CD133 -evil evil EVIL
Beta 1
Nestin-Also an arse
So then I am also writing to around 100 families asking if I can use the brain blocks we have of their babies. Because after the coroners ruling in June last year, all retained tissue needs to have consent. Grrr so much work. I also found the reason for the SPLODGES! They have become legend in the CBL. But alas it WAS my fault, but I can stop them by chopping them in a different manner. Oh joy more things to cram into my already full brain. I'm going to buy tinsel next week I need something to cheer me up. Ooo and me and Owen are going xmas shopping on Sunday. My life is sehr hecktish. Off to LINKS in a bit, secondary survey....just what I need strangers groping me multiple times.
Yup its 4:30 am and someone stupid sets the fire alarm off! I jumped out of bed with the sound of it, when you don't quite know whats happening an alarm actually terrifies you. We went outside and the Fire engine turned up....there was some wolf-whistling ;-) and 1/2 an hour later we were back inside. It was annoying because I was having the best sleep ever! Ahh Well.
Well went to see Room 101 with the legend that is Paul Merton. The guest was Markus Bridgstock (I think thats his name). So very good but finished way to quickly. They choose 6 items and try and convince Paul to put it into Room 101. Here are some pictures: Lectures got cancelled today so I had 11 hours of well needed sleep. I vaguely remeber crazy dreams but I think thats due to my ear acheyness
I am gonna be doing my Ambulance driving theory soon I think which is v cool. I am going to cook noodles and just before I go I shall enlighten you on the wee little world that is Dawson Hall 4th floor!
Ok I'm at the end of the row, Rufus (Real name Raymond) is next to me. He switched Uni's like me. But his uni was in Australia!! He's cool. Next is Naomi....she's Ex Path too, we watch Harry Potter and Friends DVD's. Next to her is Bonking guy, the name is pretty self explantory he does it against her wall and the walls are vvvv thin (not nice). Then there is our steward who is lovely.
Now we get onto the evil and skankyness. Normally that would be it, 5 of us share the kitchen bathroom etc. BUT OH NO!! We have a fucking One-eyed guy who looks like a pervert and probably is one. He lives somewhere else and comes into our kitchen with his Law guy buddy and other wierdo (all look like perverts) and cook the most messy and gross stuff you have ever seen. They leave the kitchen like a shit hole and once the one-eyed guy was using the Microwave turny round bit as a plate, then didnt even wash it properly! He wanders the coridoor at night and its really scary when you go and have a pee to find him standing outside your door!
Ok we are going to talk to our steward to try and sort it out cos its not really fair!
I am i'll. I feel all sneezy and headachey and its horrid. I'm seriously sleep deprived which isnt helping. I had a dream about getting attacked by a Greek woman (am I going mad??) and I had a moment of excitement just bacause I found an interesting looking Medical Journal article.
Ok I have 30 mins to get ready, my room looks like there has been a minor explosion, mainly involving laundry and my tea has gone cold (i'm still going to drink it though).
Saw room 101 yesterday with a guest I cant rember the name of. But Paul Merton was v cool, also got chatting to some random people in the queue which was errr nice!
OOO and on the way this tramp yelled "no chance of a shag", cos round waterloo there is like a tramp hang out. We were gonna reply to him (with something witty and cutting) if he said it on the way back, but he obviously thought we looked a bit rough after sitting in a TV studio for 2 hours.
I managed to fall over twice last night, but Naomi only saw one of them so she doesnt think I'm too clumsy! Ok I'm gonna sleep for 15 minutes then get ready to leave in 5! that makes sense to me.
This may seem like excessive posting but I needed a good moan and where else?
Here goes: I'm poor! Its just depressing, I was bracing myself while the Bank account was loading but was "pleasantly" supprised to find im only a few hundred pounds into my overdraft (We'll ignore the fact that im already 15,000 pounds in debt).
Why is Tony Blair doing this to us? I am trying to learn something useful not some daft abstract course the content of which i'll forget as soon as I get into a job. It just makes me feel crap, I wanna go out with my friends, but doing that I always think....I need to save money, then the guilt sets in.
I know I should just sod it and go enjoy myself but its hard when a huge bill is looming over you. Its even worse being in London, I honestly don't know how i'm gonna survive next year. I hate being a sponge too, its beyond shitty. You know how stubbon I am I just wanna do it on my own but thanks to them up there I can't.
Ok not very constructive but it makes me so annoyed, its even worse cos the guys in my year are getting NHS bursarys (not huge- but waaay more than I have). Sinking into a well of depression and doesnt help that I have coming up:
Xmas, Pete's Bday, My Bday (gonna have to take people places), Owens bday, Toms bday, Naomi's Bday. All of which are before the end of January!
I'm so screwed.
Ok this is how bad it is at the mo (dad u may wanna cut this out when u send it to them in Norfolk!) I considered eating a pizza with mould on. Ive nothing in my fridge except frozen bananas which are also black, 2 pears, some yucky fanta and some oranges and ive been eating various noodle dishes....noodle & cheese, noodle & soy sauce, noodle & vinegar, noodle & salt.
Ive run out of noodles!
I am also planning to live of 5 pounds for the rest of the week. Tesco sell single rolls for 16p so I have 2 of them for Lunch.
Don't even think bout sending me things, I DON'T NEED HELP (well it would be nice if Tony B gave me a hand- but he doesnt care)