Room 101 and stuff!
Well went to see Room 101 with the legend that is Paul Merton. The guest was Markus Bridgstock (I think thats his name). So very good but finished way to quickly. They choose 6 items and try and convince Paul to put it into Room 101. Here are some pictures:

Lectures got cancelled today so I had 11 hours of well needed sleep. I vaguely remeber crazy dreams but I think thats due to my ear acheyness
I am gonna be doing my Ambulance driving theory soon I think which is v cool. I am going to cook noodles and just before I go I shall enlighten you on the wee little world that is Dawson Hall 4th floor!
Ok I'm at the end of the row, Rufus (Real name Raymond) is next to me. He switched Uni's like me. But his uni was in Australia!! He's cool. Next is Naomi....she's Ex Path too, we watch Harry Potter and Friends DVD's. Next to her is Bonking guy, the name is pretty self explantory he does it against her wall and the walls are vvvv thin (not nice). Then there is our steward who is lovely.
Now we get onto the evil and skankyness. Normally that would be it, 5 of us share the kitchen bathroom etc. BUT OH NO!! We have a fucking One-eyed guy who looks like a pervert and probably is one. He lives somewhere else and comes into our kitchen with his Law guy buddy and other wierdo (all look like perverts) and cook the most messy and gross stuff you have ever seen. They leave the kitchen like a shit hole and once the one-eyed guy was using the Microwave turny round bit as a plate, then didnt even wash it properly! He wanders the coridoor at night and its really scary when you go and have a pee to find him standing outside your door!
Ok we are going to talk to our steward to try and sort it out cos its not really fair!