Royal Free and stuff
Royal Free is going to be doing the first full face transplant lookee here but they are better than the normal yuppees trying it because they considered the "psychological aspects" now UCL is huuuge on its touchy feely psychology which i'm sure deserves respect.Maybe its just because I don't really get psychology....through most of my lectures I was thinking either "this is common sense" or "why have they made this all so complicated and abstract"?
Ok you get diagnosed, who cares about the "stages" patients go through (denial, anger acceptance , etc...)? Also why does each patient supposedly act in the same way? I highly doubt this is true in the real world. But also is it not better to just let them get on with it, talk to them if they need it. But not to sit there and analyse every eye movement they make just to categorise them!
Completely strayed off the point. Well I would love to be there to witness the procedure but as im technically not at that hospital now it would be a bit cheeky. Plus about 10000057 top brass consultant peeps will probably be watching.
Today was Wed, which is when they do the Forensic cases. One 6 week old baby had rib fractures which were made between 5-7 weeks before...i.e. it was beaten pretty much as soon as it was born. It had the hugest sub arachnoid haematoma i've ever seen in my life. Blood was everywhere, apparently that meant it had been kept alive on a ventilator for some time. Also "apparently" its 2 year old sister picked it up by the neck and threw if 2 feet across the room. Now i'd be impressed if I could manage that.
Next was an 8 year old boy who hanged himself! How completely sad must he have been to do that to himeself. I'm not sure I even knew how to hang myself when I was eight.
We did one further one but its quite well known, v sad all in all.
My project is using SIDS cases so the brain is "normal". Found 3 so far. Pain in the bum to try and find cases which are suitable and we have consent for. OOO I could ramble ona bit more about consent, i'll save it for later I have to go to St John meeting now!