Monday, October 02, 2006

Oh my days.....It finally happened

I was completely take off guard today. I was at Great Ormond Street, oooh I do like saying that. I was at Great Ormond Street-where I am doing research! Hehe ok anyway I have to get a thing called an Honoury Contract. Which is because i'm involved in research using human tissue, most people find it a bit distasteful but the end, I feel, especially in this case, is worth the means. We are looking at stem cells in the brain, involving damage repair doesnt take much of a brain to see the potential implications for this. Especially if the stem-cells can be "controlled" brain damage may be limitable or even curable. Which is just huge.

Completely deviated (I would fail on "Just a minute") but I was waiting for some documents when this secretary comes up and says "Hello Dr West, would you like to come though now?" Oh may days......well obvioulsly I could'nt have her thinking I was a Doctor (but the though did cross my mind) so I say "oh its just Kathryn (have to use the full name or they get confused)". But afterwards I though.....Just!The "just" was not necessary.