The Comedy Store!
Well i'm gonna be the first to give my critique of the evening:It was much better than the usual pre-uni meal (may be due to the lack of nun's present :-P ). The trains wer'nt working very well when we got on, cos instead of going Stockport-Manc Piccadily-Manc Oxford Road. It went Stockport-Manc Victoria-then stopped!! Which it don't usually do, cos victoria is a million miles from where anything vaguely interesting is....although a prince Charlie Photoshoot, where we got accused of being Paps was there. But as the ticket was only 3 quid it was fine.

Yada yada etc...we eventually arrived at the comedy store with 10 mins or so to spare. Also I will just add now...people seem to never trust that I know where I'm going! Did we ever get lost? I think not.

We (I-due to stingy mates) got the drinks...and the lovely bar man, who had a brain like a sieve managed to give me a Double shot of JD in a teeny tiny glass with about 1 drop of coke!! So obvioulsy it tasted nasty and v strong....but I drank it cos why waste it?
The show was good actually it was better than good cos it was free and funny, which is a good combination. I liked all the exacts except the bald one with the teeth, and to a lesser extent the little ginger guy....although he had cool shoes and picked on us which was great, philippa went all shy.
Philippa and melissa thought the compare was the best, but the first guy on was sooo much better, come on The Ikea catalogue joke was genius!

The journey home reminded me that i'm sooo far away from london. The show finished around 11:00pm or a bit after. We went to Oxford Rd-No trains to anywhere except Manc Piccadily and Chester. So we got on one to Manc Piccadily. Get off there and look for trains to Buxton, Chinley, Glossop ANYWHERE!!! But nada there was the last bus to Stockport which we JUST caught, OK getting closer to home. But then there were no busses or trains to home...grrrr it was only around 12:00 completely early to some people!

So the (totally fab) mother had to come get us. As we were waiting....cos stockport is like 45 mins away from home, the coppers turned up to shoo a pissed person (called Graham) from the station. So he staggers up to us and decides to talk to me...come on there were 3 of us WHY ME??? Then the police turn up and encourage him to move on. They check we are ok, which we are. Then go and sit in their police car, not sure if they are making sure we are ok or just watching Graham?
Get home at 1:00 absoultely shattered but twas good. I think we are gonna go again, just when we know we can get home ok!