Beaver in an egg!
Well I woke this lovely morn after having a bad (ish) dream involving an egg which hattched into some sort of Beaver animal. I then tried to feed it cucumber which it didn't seem to like! But it was that or sausages, because thats all that was in the fridge. Stupidly I though in this dream "beavers eat trees so they must like cucumber" but after discussion at breakfast we agreed they actually eat fish, so maybe it really wanted the sausages!Any hooo the dream got stranger and stranger and i'm not gonna carry on explaining it! I got enough grief after the buiscuit tins and rat in a car dreams!
But mingled in with this dream was another where I got to my Halls and I found it was actually a I had to share with 17 other people! Understandably I dont want to share a room..especiallly with 17 people! So while I watched "This Morning" I decided it would be a good idea to actually read the tenancy agreement I signed about a month ago!
And (I know grammatically undeseriable!) guess what?! Apparently all of the rooms come with their own Fridge!! Now how cool-and admittedly completely usless is that? Why of all the appliances do they decide to stick a fridge in there? I'm not complaining though.
Its sounds sooo much better that first year halls which were just poop really! See we were in Langton Close which was average/scrubby but next door was Frances which was vvvposh/height of luxury! So of course we used to get evacuated for various resaons every few weeks...and them at frances would just stand at their windows and watch as we froze ourselves outside!!
Oh incidently I have a single room (whew!!) and there is only 205 people there! So its a diddy little hall...even better!