Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Ok people update time (Edited version)

I now have mi ID number.

Things to arrive in the post in the next week (supposedly):

  • Accomodation info,
  • Ex Path info,
  • Enrolment info

So a fair amount of info really!

Am sorting out my project...dissertation thingy and its soooooo exciting; its about helping kids with epilepsy and brain damage by using stem cells (there has been so much about it ont news you must have heard about it). So potentially helping to "cure" brain damage....how amazing is that!

Freshers fair is going ok at the moment, I have ordered all the freebies to give out to people, I have booked the ambulance and we are gonna be at potentially 5 freshers fairs!! i'm gonna be shattered, and my uniform is gonna be yucky by the end of September (Iwill try and wash it sometime)!

I have been a fixing the boat today, most of the woodwork is sanded down ready for staining and varnish, but the fibreglass is shot to pieces so we are going to have to get one of those kits. Oh and it is being renamed cos the name is frankly embarassing ...it is not called Kingfisher so nice and simple.

Well im cooking at the moment Kathy stylee....which is hillarious the Recipee is "Grilled Haddoc with white wine sauce"

The only bit which is the same as the recipee is the type of fish!

  • Haddock fillets-we have them!
  • Diced Shallots- well onions are practically shallots
  • White Wine-It was either Red wine, Vodka or Beer, and I didnt think Beer goes well with garlic and vodka would have caused much legglessness!
  • cloves of roasted garlic-I technically have garlic except it has gone brown and mouldy, so I scraped the mould off so now its just brown! It'll be fine when its cooked

The other even more exciting news is I will soon be allocated a Derbysire St John Unit...which means I can get a promotion...which I really would like, I can also go to Derby County FC woo!