Things I like about Barts and the London:The Halls:
- Soo big and almost hotel-like
- Deadly quiet so I basically get a kitchen and bog to myself
- Lift talk-everyone chats in them, even if you have never met the bloke before they seem to wanna know what course your on and where your from.
- Post actually reaches me
- The beepy cards (more later)
- The fact it looks slightly like a castle
- Poirot lived here-so it must be good and there are 3 rolls royces outside the gates (all belong to me of course)
The Uni:
- OOOO big helicopter lands on the roof and say morning to them off "Trauma" v exciting
- Pathology place has swoooosh barriers but hard to explain-come visit
- We have labs with floating rooms called "cell" "cloud" and "spikey"
- The union is lovely
- The people are even more lovely
- There are only 19 people on our course and all seem friendly, higher boy:girl ratio than ucl
- I found the doctors pub-where they all go to get drunk.
- My ID card is fab (although picture is bad) it opens doors to everywhere and has chips and barcodes and swipe-ness and I have 4 different ID numbers
Comparing the ID card with the UCL paper one makes UCL seem a bit of a joke really, but never mind, I think UCL is inproving them
OK things I hate about Barts and the London:
The Halls
- I couldnt get into the TV room and signal of TV here is a bit (well very) rubbish
- The internet is kinda jerky
- It freaks me out that I have a cleaner clean my room every few weeks
- I get scared doing the laundry
- One of the guys on our floor looks like a pervert, another one looks like a monkey
- The security guards are the most unenthusiastic people I have ever met
- Everyone is a bit posh (I know its not their fault-its London generally)
The Uni
- On 2 campuses, Mile end campus IS NOT near Mile end tube....I found that out today
- They don't give you maps-apparently you must instinctively know where your heading
- Whitechapel is vvvvv rough, pissed people will come upto you and as the sign says : Muggings happen here! Beware of suspicious behaviour
- There arnt nice food places-Nandos, Pizza Hut, Mc D stuff you wouldnt eat on a daily basis. No M+S no Tesco, Sainsburys. I'm gonna have to make packed lunch
- We arnt allowed in to the Pathology builiding
- But we can go into a Lab which we don't really need
- People in my course are 5th years and already set on qualifying whereas it hasnt entered my mind yet-can be tricky to understand where they are coming from
- Its not UCL (sob) I miss everyone! But im doing the ole meditation again so I will see some of the people on Thur and LINKS is Wed so it will be ok