Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What a hecktic few days

Well I'm mid way through the most hellish couple of weeks in the history of the world, not in terms of personal suffering or anything that terrible. But quite simply to much to do in such a small amount of time.

I have registered for mi courses which sound sooooo very up themselves:

Neuropathology (ok not to posh sounding)
Cardiovascular Pathophysiology (WHAAAAAT??? they are deliberatley trying to sound superior, and it kinda works)

I have 4 days of freshers fairs to organise....that means arranging people, ambulances, free stuff, food for people, sign ups, posters, leaflets aaaaarrrrggghh the list goes on.

I have lectures begining on Friday which I will have to miss, I have my great ormond street thing on monday which im gonna have to try and fit in.

The st John stuff is somewhere near brighton and the first fair is on Thurs

The comittee tshirts are at York street...so not with the comittee

I also have to sort my library applications out, I need to find a student card I ordered and I have an oyster card floating around london somewhere!!

Just to top things off, my phone is broken and my student loan hasnt come through, so I cant call people easily and cant pay my rent.