Things (good bad and medical)
Things have gone all polar this week, either fantastic or completely shattering.Den died, I still can't believe it. He was so much fun to be arround. He's been in my life for like 12 years and the last time I saw him he didnt even know he was sick.
Now my phone has broken (sounds completely trivial in comparison) and I really don't have the energy to deal with it, I just want a phone that works, clearly thats too much to ask for. Also my ID card is faulty, ahh not a problem.........well yeah actually cos its Great Ormond Street i.e. sick kids and people get suspicious if your standing there trying to get into somewhere and it wont let you!
My essay written on sunday night/monday morning (due in at 8:30 monday) was well recieved! Actually he was really complimentry. I must be one of those rare genious types who can spew out long words- like "subventricular zone" and "rostocaudal gradient of proliferative activity" while semi conscious at a computer screen. (hehe that should get some confused scientists who googled them words!)
I spent the whole of today licking pathology arses! (an exhausting activity) It feels like I am actually gonna pass out. I spent 10 am till 5 pm following various lab people round. I wanna try and sneak into a forensic autopsy before I go, cos apparently soco and loaaads of coppers are there too, and plus it would be facinating.

At about 3pm I finally gets me paws on some tissue. Its foetal PM's so ones which have died before birth or been misscarried. Its really strange seeing a femur which is about 4 cm long, having done disection for 2 years I cant get over how diddy they are. Also trying to work out which blob is the live which is the lungs, thymus, adrenals etc is soo much harder that with adults. We get tiny little bits and because they havnt developped they are so tricky to classify.
Then I observed H&E staining and Pick?? anyhoo the one for iron deposits in the lungs. Then I mounted some cover slips and tomorrow I will be putting the PM bits into wax blocks for sectioning and then cutting some sections.
Some time I am going to have to squeez in my new essay on stem cell makers in the brain eg: nestin-that the only one I know right now because it reminds me of birds nests! I have to read up this and last weeks notes and do shopping.
Aww nuts and try and get my phone fixed!!