Saturday, October 14, 2006

Never eat dodgy chicken

Oh dear, I may be part of the most excting and groundbreaking reseach posse i've ever been in, but jeez! I feel rough. I cooked chicken on Thur. It was samonella (or similar) ridden. I was up all of the night. Then I worked at Gt Ormond St from 9-6pm feeling pretty ill. I threw up once during the day but though it must be the excitiment of descovery (ok i was in denial-medical people don't get sick).

I got home and was chatting on MSN when the most extreme pain in the world began in my Left Quadrant, thinking I may have the begingings of appendicitis (ok so T10 isnt in the left quadrant but it could be) I start to hyperventilate thinking that im going to die on the floor in my room. Then, probably in my head I think the pain is now on the right side........."this is it" I though "im goinging to die". But then I didnt, I went to sleep and although feel like a hamster who's been run over I'm much better.

So the rule of the story is: always check where the pain is or you could panic!

Oh and don't eat dodgy chicken.

Research is going good! Im a genius with the choppy thing (who's name ive forgotten). I am about to do some immunocytochemistry next week (c434 and d240) then I have 4 paediatric brains with consent so I shall start my proper project. I am mapping an area of the brain who's structure has never been documented before in humans. So that is just the most exctiting thing-i'm finding stuff out that NO-ONE knows about!!!

Calm down. Ok got ot go write an essay on stem cell markers!