Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sub Ventricula Progress!

I found my wrist hair, he's called Ernie! He's special because he is really dark, I think the Ernie follicle got lost during development because he really looks like an eyebrow hair. Still that got me thinking and I rembered Mr ("pervy Dave") Alsopp with his ape arms. Mine are not that bad! I'd put a piccy up but I cant be bothered. Im off to the Flushed Away premier tomorrow, I am aiming for Ian Mckellen and Nick Park autographs.

Today whats been a happening, well: I found the data sheets for the 7 cell markers I am going to be studying, they are:

  • Sox 2- Bad ass reputation
  • CD133 -evil evil EVIL
  • Bcl-2
  • Beta 1
  • GFAP
  • D240
  • Nestin-Also an arse

So then I am also writing to around 100 families asking if I can use the brain blocks we have of their babies. Because after the coroners ruling in June last year, all retained tissue needs to have consent. Grrr so much work. I also found the reason for the SPLODGES! They have become legend in the CBL. But alas it WAS my fault, but I can stop them by chopping them in a different manner. Oh joy more things to cram into my already full brain. I'm going to buy tinsel next week I need something to cheer me up. Ooo and me and Owen are going xmas shopping on Sunday. My life is sehr hecktish. Off to LINKS in a bit, secondary survey....just what I need strangers groping me multiple times.