Sunday, January 29, 2006

Well I survived

Oh my days! It was mind numbingly cold yesterday, I mean its usually a bit nippy working outside with cold water, but yesterday was just rediculous. I cut my hand several times and it was so cold I didn't realise I had done it. It didn't help that I was working in a tshirt and thin zippy-up-thing which I had gotten drenched during the first vase of the day! Also to add to the problem there were only 5 of us to do approx 200 vases, as everyone else was ill or something. It mean that we didn't finish until 8pm so it was 11 hours of freezing-ness. The plus side was that I did so many 30 pound ones and above. I should explain that 30+ ones are the ones where you can be really creative and put all kinds of flowers in, but they are also quite arsey, as they take ages and thevases are 1m tall so you have to stick your arm in and it is so cold that your arm pratically drops. Well thats my whine over with (what other reason is there for a blog?).

On to the pictures: Hehee, I call him arnold. He is another one from the archimboldo photography project I did (like the chewitt pyramid).

The next batch are all from my 'Abstract architecture' project, they are all in Manchester, enjoy:

The final one below is the one where my mother and I nearly got arrested! Sounds very dramatic, but isn't really. This was in the Arndale and is the reflection of the Gadget Shop (now no longer there..or anywhere really) in the metal panneling of an esclator (also not there). Now you may not be aware (we wer'nt) but the Arndale is actually private property, so me and my mother were taking pictures rather conspicuously there was a rather a large security guard heading towards us, to confisicate the film! fortuantely we saw him a way off and legged it .....but this picture was nearly destroyed SO APPRECIATE IT!

Its my favourite I think...oh I don't know. See you soon (p.s. I am growing a forest of 5 trees in my room).

Friday, January 27, 2006

I can't be arsed to work tomorrow (as if you care)

Ok I know you probably don't really want to see any more, but I have found the architecture ones and I previously promised an interesing anecdote bout one of the piccys which I will tell you about when I post them on Sunday. In the mean time I will tell you all about whats been happining (which aint much) OK I have signed up for my first duty-St Patrics day parade, so will be mending pissed Londoners who think they are Irish just cos they are wearing green, drinkng guiness and have a distant relative in Cork!!, I am also going to see the filming of 8 out of 10 cats (with the legend that is Jimmy Carr), a random new prog called Classic comeback (on uktv gold so probably not that good) and to Radio shows-Rigor Mortis and Powder its all busy at the mo.

I was an arse today tho, I shall explain; it was PDS (Profesional Develoment Spine) and we were doing clinical skills (examining patients). guess what? I forgott, so I turned up in hoodie, slightly dodgy and imature tshir, AND the worst pair of jeans in existence...i.e they were brown ish and had SOOOO MANY BLOODY HOLES!
Now I should say, we have at least 1 talk per term on dressing appropriately and normal jeans were strictly off limits, never mind ones which cause my knee to poke out when I sat down.but despite this, on I plodded to my patient lady, and I did all the examining and at the end she said I was the best one there (ok there were only 7 of us but still). Breathing a sigh of relief I escaped. I have to see patients next week. Someone PLEASE remind me to go for the shirt and smart trousers option. I dont want to go through that again.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

My Photography

Well heloo, as you know I am LRPS so I thought I'd provide a selection of my work (i.e the ones I miraculously found on a CD) now if anyone wants to buy one (many) I am poor and will happily flog the normal ones (if I can find the negs that is), I am also available for commisions (hehehe) any hoo. The first 3 are Bromoils, now these are fiendish. First you take a black and white picture, then over develop (slightly) and get a darkish print (on special paper). Then you bleach it to get rid of the picture (yeah sounds dumb I know), so you end up with a slimy piece of blank paper. Then you dry it with cotton wool, not dry, but not wet either. Then once it is at that point you put ink on with a roughish brush, then my techique is using a shaving brush and circular motion. You repeat and hopeully you end up with a picture, then you clean it up with water and voila. These are of chatsworth, and two of Tideswell church:
The next two are bloody hard to do as well. They are gum bichromate and cyanotype. The gumbichromate one you mix gum arabic, potassium dichromate and gouasche then paint it onto paper, then expose it, then develop either in water or water with a bit of citric acid (can't remember which). The Cyanotype was a bitof a cheat. I got it out of a bottle, then exposed and developed.
The final one is a pyramid made from sweets (now who wouldnt enjoy that?) I will try and find some of my other cool ones...coming soon architecture (including dare devil anecdote) , normandy, flowers (including infrared photography) and other random ones. byee

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Well hi there all

After a vvvv exting morning of psychology, I am in Rockerfella waiting for the curry man! now don't tell me that I dont lead an exciting life. Guess who I saw today David Grant (him ont piccy). He was one of them vets off animal hospital. I'm pooed off tho, why do I see the vets and not the footballers or film stars, but to be honest what is a footballer goning to be doing walking round Euston at 9 in the morning? He looked skinnier than this, and kinda scary. Ok off to pursuade Farha to come and get some curry and cake AND chocolate for FREE. Now thats my kinda meal.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Its Monday

Did you know that it only takes the length of Bohemian Rhapsody for me to reach my house from Euston. I know this because I started my ipod after I had to dash to the stations (rip off) 20p bogs, and my 'Kitchen Music' playlist has bohemian Rhapsody first, and it was still going when I reached the front gate. Not that interesting but I think it shows that I can power walk without realising it. Now onto phil's thing:
  1. Grab the nearest book.
  2. Open the book to page 123.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
  5. Don’t search around and look for the coolest book you can find. Do what’s actually next to you.

Ok mine is:

"Bet she charged you for the night, too."

VVVV dodgy sounding but its talking about a landlord ....honest

Friday, January 13, 2006

Look haw popular I am!

Well look I was the 999 person! I wonder who was number 1000? Congratuations to myself for making my page SO interesting that one thousand people (or maybe just a few bored people several times) decided to visit. P.s. I PASSED my exam and like 150 people in my year got lower than me......mwahahahahahah dumb peeps (only kidding). See you soon.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


1/2 an hour till MCQ time. I am going to fail, then go home then watch blackadder or something as I will be v vvv depressed. I'm gonna fail, if anyone can come and take the exam for me...hurry up.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Is that you out there?

Well first day back at good ole med school, and it was a very productive day, I learnt that, like my mother I am myopic (although only slightly) I have 5/6 vision as opposed to 6/6 which is perfect (who wants that anyway?). Also I am astigmatic (but I already knew that) and rather worryingly I seem to have a big divergence of my eyes (I.e. they don't focus on one point). So the morning was taken up messing my eyes up...Resulting in a serious migrane. The afternoon was spent putting tuning forks onto our foreheads and behind our ears, in order to make our skulls vibrate, this apparently showed if we had neurological or conductive hearing loss...Both of which I can happily say I don't posses.

Then it was home time (via cost cutter to buy bog roll) still equipped with the GIANT headache. Had beans for dinner then had a lil nap.....Ok I know you don't care. On page 240 of the book and damn its funny!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Honey i'm home (well kinda)

I'm back , and to be honest London never looked so gray (see pic). OK admittedly that is a photo of my Lap top bag, but the view isn't much better, compared to Rushup where I hear (via peter) it is still snowing...grrr. The train was ok, did the whole leaning round corners thing. Had two people sit with me, one normal, and a smelly one who got on from Birmingham (says it all really hehehe) who wasnt sure the train stopped in London, despite the guy telling everyone twice, and the big 'London Euston' signs on the side of it! Feel a bit squidgy at the mo (not the good squidgyness) so will go and steal a cup of tea (as I have no food at the mo).....bye.

Friday, January 06, 2006

I'm so depressed

Reasons to be depressed:

  • Uni in 3 days!
  • London in 2
  • I.e. not High Peak in 2 days
  • 20 years old!
  • I checked for wrinkles and age spots and there are some definate frown lines....ok thats another reason:
  • frown lines
  • Will miss things (ok not strictly a reason) such as TV, normal food, peter, sonja, friends, parents (don't tell em tho!), being bought stuff, being 19

Here is my pretty and highly mature cake: now im going to surf the internet then go and mope in a corner....possibly with the cat as she is severly pissed off with snow getting in between her toes. bye.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Welcome to the ICE house!

It's official, I will never see 20 because I am going to die in 12.46 minutes. The reason for my premature departure is because we have snow which is an indication of how cold it is. The fire has gone out and all the wood and coal is either wet or frozen. Added to that the fact that 'someone' has turned off the few lecky heaters we have. Its so cold that I can see my breath (kinda exorcist stylee), the kettle has become a favourite place to be, as has the washing up. We are all without exception sat in wooly hats and coats and this is inside!!!!!! I myself have 2 pairs of trousers on, 3 tshirts a jumper AND my coat on, and still I am due to die any second. my feet are getting mi slippers.... Ok i'm back. The goldfish is hibernating and the cat has decided that its actually warmer outside! Any suggestions on ways to not die will be appreciated, but I fear it may be to late for me!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Bored at 'ome!

Well here is the piccy of Peters cake, unfortunately peter got to the cake before I did, the consequence is the giant slice out of the cake (peter says "dad stole some too so it wasn't just him"!). Ooo and just cos its so pretty, here is another piccy, its of Manchester's answer to the millennium eye, it was from yesterday, and Phil (and Melissa) you will be receiving cake (and pride n prejudice) shortly. I have a very mature cake in the shape of a clowns face....Its very cool. Ok must go and make tapioca as I am in charge of desert and it is a very stressful responsibility to have put upon me at this time, unfortunately I have no choice, as parents are doing some 'sciency thing' in the lab- its best to let them get on with inventing stuff I keep well out of it! toodle pips.