Well whats been happening? I shall tell you:
Whew, ok this could develop into a marathon of a post!Well we had a lil Christmas meal at Dawson which involved myself and Naomi cooking food and Beka, Owen, Vlad and Adrian all coming around to scoff it all. Then I went and saw Owen’s familys Christmas play, which was great, if slightly bizarre. See their theatre has a tradition of every year finishing by lobbing raw Yorkshire pudds at the audience! Honestly its nearly as odd as riding around a small village with a basket on your head ( It’s a good festival!!!).

Then I headed home on the Panini train! Which tilts it was 6:00 am as well so I dazed in a morning kinda haze and the tilting turned into a sort of rollercoaster, as I would imagine it would be if I were drunk. Then its back to Sossy, who is getting old and fat and lazy but she’s still my ickle baby, and still likes to play with anything fluffy.

Hmm ok well I went to the KCC concert which was excellent, had a good old sing song! Immer wieder denk ish dran, wan fur uns das gluck begannnnn! Zoren was hillarious, honestly ive not lauged like that for ages and phil looked like she was dying. Then back to Miss Elliss' house for a good knees up. Man that was brilliant, we chatted all about the old days, when Krish dangled Rebecca’s bra out the window in London. When we found the foreign person in Amy Forests bed and sooo many other tales. I forgot how much I miss those day! Germany was my fave, hehe rember the midnight swims with the Germans and the bloody conductor showing off!
Ive been shopping and erm done a bit of work. Xmas day was pretty uneventful. I got some nice things, and some random things (the medical hot water bottle comes to mind). Umm I really cant be bothered to list the presents but:
Thanx to Owen- Green Wing, and posh glass heart in a glass! :)
Adrian- Lovely necklace really pretty
Naomi- Picture frame and album and interstingly abstract pottery mat
Melissa- IT’S A DIDDL!
Phil- ooo well I cant thank you, as your hiding my present somewhere!
Oh ta to the parents as well for the dvd!
Then its blood donation tomorrow argh! Tis scary. Then im off dawn saff for New Years, which will be BRILL!
Its also pete’s birthday on the 31st, he’s gonna be 14. I agree with philippa: peter is like 8!

Ummm I really can't think any further ahead, but looming is the prospect of a night of Magic drinking with cards and my 21st!