Well whats been a happening?
OOO quite a bit really! Ok after the bowling (where I won!!) we put up the xmas decorations on the 1st, I have the fab snowman advent callendar, but it has the wrong colour chocolate in it.
Hmm ok after that me and Owen went to see The Nightmare Before Xmas 3D! we got glasses and everything popped out of the screen. 9 quid (quite dear) but well worth it.

I have my xmas ball on friday....wearing glam dress and slightly more comfy shoes than last year.....I still have the scars! Pictures to follow!
I have my AED and Med gasses exam tonight! EDIT: I PASSED YAY TO ALL!!
I have my presentation tomorrow AND monday!
I'm going to a panto on Saturday! (oh no she isn't)
(I'm going to collapse)
Ex Path xmas dinner is on monday
Oooo we are also going for a drink in the morgue (shh its just cos we aint allowed in the lab- we can drink round dead people apparently)
Friday is the Kathy/Naomi Dawson hall xmas meal