Some "Biological Science mags? The are a dumbed down science journal designed for swotty Alevel peeps (or for frantic reading before med school interviews)
Or Real Crime mags? actually I may keep these cos they have tons of grusome forensics in which I what I absolutely love....I know i'm odd, we did that aready!
About a gazillion Mensa mags.....hehe really entertaining and not just for thos brainy peeps! I found one from 2002 phsycologically analysing why everyone seemed to love David Beckham....Oh how things change! But seriously I have topics ranging from "Rain Man" to "Predicting Race winners"....also just found one about how Lefties are actually brilliant (or something along those lines).
But shhh to the Mensa thing seriously....doesnt do mi street cred (i'm sure I have some somewhere) and good.
Well the title is pretty selfexplanatory! I went to the new Toni n Guy's in Buxton (world centre for trendyness). The question you will be asking now is "what does it look like now?" and some of you may even be asking "what did it look like before?" But as for the new look, is it punk? or do I have dreadlocks? maybe I shaved it all off like Debs (that was vv brave)? It could be pink green blue orange....or even a combination of all four! Well you'll just have to keep guessing wont you!
After the cutting and styling and having gloop put on my hair and washed off again.....oo and the odd back massage! I went shopping. Actually I went to Argos for an airbed (reduced to 14 quid!!) and then to Boots for some girly bits n bobs! By this time its nearly 3 and I realise that i'm a bit hungry since I havnt eated since tea yesterday! Then I realise the 199 has just zipped passed so I do the ole run and look like an arse.....but at least I caught it! Then im off home, still hungry but with lovely hair! OOO its strokable! (i'll shut up now)
Well I'm super proud of myself! I can't believe I have wittered on for 100 posts!! Thats an average of once every 3 days! Woo to all the celebrations and importance which goes with entering triple figures!
More importantly though, look at what sausage (Sonja) caught me: for those not in the know this is a mole (and some grass too!). Now they are little buggers so its a good thing she catches them as they did holes and sheep (and Kathy's) can fall into them. They also bite and it hurts! This one was very dead-full rigor was present leading the Pathologist to estimate a time of death of between 2 and 36 hours, narrowing this more: It was caught in the early hours as she didnt go out last night and it wasnt there yesterday. I discovered this at 12:30 pm and she went out at 6am. So the time of death was around 6-10:30! I know...your welcome!
Well we were taught about how to enter the "tribe of the medical society", disection was the initation ceremony (I know flippin psychologists), I recieved my information about my Pathology course so its offical im working my way towards the centre of the tribe! (k shutting up about that now)
I do love the slightly homemade feel of Barts and the London NHS! UCL send us pack after pack of papers we need. Barts just send a piece of paper inviting me to a intercalated degree party! It was the same at the degree fair, UCL had structured lectures about each degree on offer. Barts....had a buffet with carrot sticks and homemade cakes!
OOO and little men in woolly jumpers running up on stage at various intervals to tell us about how to finance our degree! I love the shambles but it does make you kinda nervous. But I do like the woolly jumpers, you can't beat a good woolly jumper.
Hehe well im gonna mend some clothes now, cos stupidly I bought a groovy Szczecin tshirt but it turned out to be a giant man shirt so im gonna be doing a spot of resizing! Then i'm gonna be doing a spot of painting love the ole painting!
I scraped it off the Sugar-snap peas i'm eating! They taste fine, especially if you dont look at them while you pick them up. The mould forming was of a purple appearance with what appeared to be a slime capsule...leading me to the dubious conclusion is may not in fact be mould but some form of Bacterium. This is quite worrying because levels of Bubonic Plague have been rising in corrolation with the coresponding rise of global temperatures. So if I die of the Black Death in the next few days......BLAME THE PEAS!
Things to arrive in the post in the next week (supposedly):
Accomodation info,
Ex Path info,
Enrolment info
So a fair amount of info really!
Am sorting out my project...dissertation thingy and its soooooo exciting; its about helping kids with epilepsy and brain damage by using stem cells (there has been so much about it ont news you must have heard about it). So potentially helping to "cure" brain amazing is that!
Freshers fair is going ok at the moment, I have ordered all the freebies to give out to people, I have booked the ambulance and we are gonna be at potentially 5 freshers fairs!! i'm gonna be shattered, and my uniform is gonna be yucky by the end of September (Iwill try and wash it sometime)!
I have been a fixing the boat today, most of the woodwork is sanded down ready for staining and varnish, but the fibreglass is shot to pieces so we are going to have to get one of those kits. Oh and it is being renamed cos the name is frankly embarassing is not called Kingfisher so nice and simple.
Well im cooking at the moment Kathy stylee....which is hillarious the Recipee is "Grilled Haddoc with white wine sauce"
The only bit which is the same as the recipee is the type of fish!
Haddock fillets-we have them!
Diced Shallots- well onions are practically shallots
White Wine-It was either Red wine, Vodka or Beer, and I didnt think Beer goes well with garlic and vodka would have caused much legglessness!
cloves of roasted garlic-I technically have garlic except it has gone brown and mouldy, so I scraped the mould off so now its just brown! It'll be fine when its cooked
The other even more exciting news is I will soon be allocated a Derbysire St John Unit...which means I can get a promotion...which I really would like, I can also go to Derby County FC woo!
Why do I do this to myself? Could have taken the bloody easy option and done Intercalated BSc for people who want to sleep for a year...but no! I decide to flippin switch Universities! I am going to have a nervous breakdown. UCL for all its faults was always organised but QMUL are so laid back they are practically dead. I have recieved absolutely nothing from them and phoning them is like an exam in itself; is my inquiry about addmisions, undergraduate education, accomodation? errrr how the hell do I know? But on the plus side, if I phone tomorrow they will tell me my ID number! so life is just FAB....may not have a place on my course but I have a number! Yay may just go and panic in a corner for a few hours. Why didnt I just go and do the job I actually wanted to do and not bother with dumb uni! hmmm I think its cos im stubborn.
Come on peeps, I need feedback this has taken aaages cos im crap (tut tut) with HTML its 12:30AM thats the night time you know! And I have struggled with this for and hour and a half. I know it aint perfect my main problems I couldnt fix were:
The leftness of it all (but as the world should be left-handed may be it aint so bad.
The fact my witty quote is now unreadable
The strange assortment of pink and darker pink which my links take on in apparent randomness
My profile blurb is arraged strangely with "old" comically appearing under my picture!
Finally-the template asked me to type a paragraph for the side bar which it then decides not to include...that took me 5 mins on its own, goodness knows where it is now!
But if you ignoor these as I have now been forced to do it is acutally quite a pretty thing dont you think?
well at least the blobby things have gone so phil can now manage to read all the words...its sad when the eyesight starts to go in old age eh!!
All coments and help on the above point greatfully appreciated!
Well I was in a quite "get things done" kinda mood this morning, sooo I decided to set up pete's German Poetry while he was away at scout camp. Pete is a proper genius at the ole German and even more of a genius cos he gets on with Dubiac! So to further his brill language learning I got him magnetic poetry-in German. I set it all up but as its designed for big fridges there are THOUSANDS of words so it took me about 1/2 and hour to squeeze them onto his didy electric heater. This is the finished result: As you can see I helpfully started the little guy off by putting such meaningful sentences as: Ja Das ist toll! and other slightly more suspect ones! Then I had to have a pasport stylee picture taken for some "NHS card thing" think its to tell people that I dont have any diseases when I go in hospitals to help people! So anyway I decide to take a picture of my man shorts which I was wearing as I have run out of clothes...they r mostly washed but still wet as we have no way of drying them, I was so suprised as I last wore the man shorts in Year 10 when they were man trousers! They have dug cow poo out of the barn, they also have been to Alton towers...ahhh the stories they could tell. ummm ok I know my life is quite dull at the min but shut up, bet urs isnt that exciting either! Oh and look what Sausage caught: isnt she clever.
Well im doing a spot of the old Black n White devloping, and I have forgotten how much fun it is. I put a bit of music on and happily splash around. I will now go on and explain (in detail) what I do, so if I were you i'd stop reading about now!
OOOO Harry might be going to America!!! but Nikki loves him, and there have been 2 bodies already and the police officer is soooo gonna try and do summat dodgy its very exciting. But seriously Harry can't leave he IS Silent Witness.
Right, First I mix the 3 chemicals : Developer 1+9, Stop 1+14 (but reusable) and Fix 1+3 (also reusable). The Developer goes in the white tray so I can see the picture easiest, the stop is in the mucky brown one cos it looks like a place for stop! and Fix is in the red bath cos red should be at the end.
Then the lights go out, I put on the red light (roaaaxanne hehe). The negative is put in the enlarger and I usually use a 4 or 5 filter cos I like a contrasty print and I use variable contrast paper.
Then I use f2.5 (i think) to focus the image. Then 3 clicks dimmer (the f numbers have worn off but i think its f8) .
Then I do a test strip in 1 second steps for ~15 secs and find my exposure time.
Voila!! I then print ant print untill the job is done, for each neg I have to re focus and position it right but its brill. I think everyone should try it.
Oh I forgot the washing is hard work. Thats why pete does it for me...he likes using the squeegee, it'd be cruel to stop him hehe!
Hmm don't know if anyone is still reading this so .......bum and boobies hehehe!
Now I could tell you all what these picures are, but I really dont have the energy. As you can clearly see, some of the pictures are quite ancient, but I don't care enjoy the spectacular "rubbish phone camera" photography. Also found some Kentmere AD photo paper(which is unbelievably exciting) its over £50 quid but its like gold dust so im vvv pleased.
Right now you have no idea how much I miss London right now, the weather is skanky, I have had to go to MMU (nancy university-basket weaving and cooking are the predominant subjects) and sit through meetings about Burnt milk and Staph.A. I then don't get to sort my silly phone out and instead end up buying benjys and legging it for a train. I have to go back tomorrow. On the plus side a gang tried to sell me illegal DVD's as I waited by a traffic light....I was proper scared.
So all in all life is a bit poo at the mo. There are things to look forward to: namely interfering with resucci annies and going back to Uni in a few weeks.
Oh and the worse thing is I now have a stupid disease where I switch accents dependin on the level of education of the listener. For dumb ass people and people I feel comfortable with i'm fully Derbyshire dialect, but as soon as I meet a Porfessor, Doctor or even a PhD student I flip and start talking posh....It's terrible!!
Someone cure me.
P.S. Debs when you are back from arabic land.....Farha has been READING!!!! in the bloody summer holidays she's completely mad, no wonder she got distinction.